Iyengar Yoga

What is Iyengar Yoga?
I yengar yoga is based on the teaching of B.K.S. Iyengar (1918 – 2014). The roots of these teachings come from 2,500 year ago, when Yoga was first written down in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. All yoga is based on the Hatha method. Iyengar yoga focuses on the muscular-skeletal alignment of the body in postures. Bringing harmony to the body, in turn brings clarity and peace to the mind. The attention to detail, precision and alignment in Iyengar brings a great physical awareness to each part of the body. This builds strength and stamina, as well as increasing balance and flexibility. It has a strong practice however it is suitable for all.
Iyengar yoga is practiced world wide. It is renowned for its skilful use of props, chairs, belts, blocks etc. The use of props helps one to achieve perfection in a posture. It also enables everyone to benefit from the practice.
What happens in a typical class?
The class starts with a few moments of stillness to connect in with the body. A specific sequence of postures is designed by the teacher to build skill and an understanding of the poses. In a beginner’s class, standing poses are introduced first to learn body awareness and the correct alignment and adjustment of the body. Once these are masters, progression can be made onto further poses, including forward bends, backbends, twists, inversions and breathing exercises (pranayama). Students are observed with care and adjusted if necessary during the class. Each class ends with a long relaxation period, allowing one to rest and rejuvenate the body and the mind.

The Benefits of Iyengar Yoga
A yoga practice will develop all round physical health and wellbeing.
• It strengthens the body, any muscle weakness and mobilising joints.
• Improves posture and corrects misalignments
• Increases flexibility and movement
• Enhances balance and co-ordination.
• Assists in sports performance, reducing recovery time and the risk of injury.
• Alleviates health problems such as stress, anxiety, insomnia and other related illnesses.
“It is through your body that you realize you are a spark of divinity.”
– BKS Iyengar
Who can practice Iyengar yoga?
Yoga is meant for all and of all ages. It is non competitive. Everybody works to their own body’s ability, making it a unique experience for each. As mentioned above the use of props helps anyone with difficulty to get into a posture without injury.
Iyengar Teacher Certification Mark
The Iyengar Yoga Certification Mark is a guarantee of excellence, clarity and depth of understanding. Only qualified Iyengar teachers are allowed to use this certification. It indicates that the teacher has passed two years or more of rigorous assessments and continues to attend regular classes and training.
For more information, contact
The Dublin Iyengar Association
The Munster Iyengar Yoga
Or, for international information, the BKS Iyengar main website.

Iyengar Teachers Certification Mark