Online Yoga Classes
Yoga Timetable
Monday morning Online 9.30 am – 10.30 am (1hr)
Monday Evening Online 6 – 7 pm (1 hr)
Tuesday evening In person TBC
Classes start back Monday 8th January 2024
You are welcome to book one class at a drop in rate, or book 4 Classes a month of classes. You have the option for all.
In person Yoga classes are based in Ballybornagh, North Clare
Consultation Booking
Please select a date and time that suits you from the available times in the calendar. All free consultation appointments are 15 minutes.
Do you have questions or you are interested in finding out more? Book a FREE 15 minute consultation.
Let's chat to see how we can work together.
Personal Zoom Chat
Many of you may be struggling with Zoom or may be well advanced yet have a question about your practice or a posture. I am always open to questions being asked in class however I know that this can be challenging to unmute yourself in class. For this reason, I am going to open up some time weekly for a free zoom one to one chat. This shall be 10 -15 minutes and I will do a limited number each week. So, if you have a question or would like to talk about something yoga then please simply let me know.

A few things about the class
I shall record each class and share only with attendees (with your permission of course!). This video is for your home practice and shall be valid for one week only. For the class I suggest you set up your camera so I can see all of you and your mat. This means having your camera/computer a little bit away from you and maybe at a height. You can play around with this on Zoom by simply and see. * For the class, you will need a few props, if you do not have yoga props no problem here are a few suggestions of what you can use instead. o Your mat o A light moveable chair perhaps a Kitchen chair o An A4 thick book or two o A scarf / rope / tie that could work as a yoga belt o A cushion and a blanket.